How do the current technological changes and socio-political developments impact on the relationship between European journalists and their audiences? This article draws on selected findings from a larger research project conducted in eleven European countries. Focusing on European journalists’ understanding of their audiences, the paper suggests that in many European countries digital technologies and increased competition play a significant role in the changing relationship between journalists and their audiences. The literature reviews undertaken in the eleven European countries indicate that the relationship between journalists/media professionals and their audiences has undergone significant changes. While the interviewed journalists are alert to a shift towards journalistic practices and formats which permit certain forms of audience participation, many of them sense an increasing disconnection from the public and severe mistrust by citizens; which crucially impacts on their relationship with audiences.
Keywords: competition, technological change, European audiences, European journalists
How to Cite:
Metykova, M., (2017) “Drifting Apart? European Journalists and their Audiences”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 5(2), 42-60. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.66
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