The latest juicy publication joining the debate of ‘news-shaping’ is Nick Davies’ Flat Earth News. An award winning investigative journalist himself, Davies turns against his own profession in identifying the many falsehoods and distortions of news reporting in the UK media. Davies accuses UK journalists of freely accepting ready-made PR copy without further checking or criticising, and argues that the modern media has been corrupted to provide a distorted view of the news. This ‘churnalism’ he argues is largely due to time constraints and an increased work volume in UK newsrooms. Backing up his claim to a certain degree are a number of parallel investigations by a team of researchers from Cardiff University.
How to Cite:
Bredemeier-Garson, K., (2017) “Book Review: Davies, Nick, Flat Earth News, 2008, London, Chatto & Windus, ISBN-10: 0701181451”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 5(2), 100-101. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.81
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