This article investigates a remarkable shift in international news reporting of developing or Third World countries in a leading Slovene daily newspaper Delo after Slovenia gained independence in 1991 which appears to be consistent with repositioning of Slovene foreign policy after its succession from Yugoslavia. In short, extent of news coverage of developing countries dropped, type of news coverage changed to what is normally categorised as 'negative news' while mode of photographic representation had switched from neutral to symbolic. Drawing on the explanatory powers of national identity and national interest, article focuses on the shift in visual coverage and use of press photographs to construct and maintain the difference between 'Us' and 'Them'. Through this, it exposes the active role of 'indigenous' gatekeepers in providing the final selection of already limited repertoire of news diet, supplied by international press agencies.
Keywords: news agencies, national interest, framing, information dependency, international news, Press photography
How to Cite:
Trivundža, I., (2017) “What third world? Changing photographic representation of international news in Slovene elite press (1980-2006)”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 5(3), 26-46. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.89
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