A little over a year ago, and virtually overnight, several editors of state-owned newspapers in Egypt came to the sudden discovery that there was pornography on the internet. In wordy overheated editorials, they each sounded the alarm regarding the dire effects free internet access could have on our morals, values and the very fabric of our society. One went further to point out that an insulting Dutch documentary on the Prophet Muhammad, which at the time had been creating a furore in the Muslim world, could be found on YouTube. Our young people, especially, were in grave danger. Sexual depravity, atheism and insults to Islam and the Prophet abounded on the worldwide web, ready to pounce on the innocent and unwary. Needless to say, the editors issued a unanimous call for state regulation.
How to Cite:
Shukrallah, H., (2017) “Forum The Arab Charter for Satellite Broadcasting – A Reply to Hussein Amin”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 6(1), 118-124. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.115
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