Arab Media – Power and Weakness provides an assessment of the emergent field of Arab media studies. The 13 articles of the volume, most written by veterans in the field, discuss issues related to the effects, audiences, contexts, ethics, economy, law and culture of Arab media. The book’s introduction by editor Kai Hafez ties this plethora of material together in an ambitious attempt to outline current research on the links between Arab politics, society and media, and to point to some of the conclusions and problems we can extract from the literature. Hafez is interested in how the political economy structures the content of media, in the production process itself, as well as in the effects media have on politics and society.
How to Cite:
Haugbolle, S., (2017) “Book Review: Hafez, Kai (editor) Arab Media – Power and Weakness, 2008, New York: Continuum International, ISBN 978-0826428363”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 6(1), 125-129. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.118
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