This paper focuses on the radio projects of Indymedia discussing the forms of network building among alternative media producers via free and open source content sharing online, the relationship between the social organising taking place and the available technologies, as well as the emergence of 'hyper global' and 'hyper local' spaces facilitated through radio production. This paper also seeks to open up debates around these topics and add to research seeking to include radio production and organising into the discussion of new technologies and alternative media.
Keywords: Indymedia, open access, technology, radio, Alternative media
How to Cite:
Coyer, K., (2017) “Where the ‘Hyper Local’ and ‘Hyper Global’ Meet: Case Study of Indymedia Radio”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 2(1), 30-50. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.7
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