The former TV newsreader Martyn Lewis frequently complained that there was not enough ‘good news’ in the daily bulletins he had to read. When he left full time news reading he even initiated a campaign for more good news stories – leading to considerable ridicule by many of his colleagues. This account of news out of Africa takes a rather more subtle and measured approach to the same problem. Typically news from Africa is even more loaded towards bad news stories than news in general – war, famine and disaster are the standard themes. Charlayne Hunter- Gault has spent a life time reporting from Africa for US outlets including CNN, National Public Radio and the New York Times and is passionate about the continent. Her latest book New News out of Africa, part-memoir part-polemic, is a plea for journalists to tell a different story from Africa.
How to Cite:
Franks, S., (2017) “Book Review: Hunter-Gault, Charlayne (2006) New News out of Africa: Uncovering Africa’s Renaissance (W.E.B. Du Bois Institute), Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0-19-517747-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-19-517747-3”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 4(2), 100-103. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.90
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