Recent developments in the study and practice of Community Radio have given to both academics and practitioners a wide range of issues to be discussed and networks such as OurMedia, where both sides and policymakers come periodically together, have given a platform to the increasing convergence of interests while focusing the attention also on geographical areas traditionally overlooked by the literature published in English1. At a European level, fora like the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE)2 and recent events organised by Budapest’s Central European University (CEU)3 and London Metropolitan University4 in 2007 have contributed to the discussion on the status of community media in the continent, focusing particularly on policy, regulation, funding and the issues emerging from the eventual transition to digital of these services. A comprehensive report recently published by the European Parliament, is also a signal of a growing recognition among EU institutions (European Parliament, 2007)
How to Cite:
Scifo, S., (2017) “Editorial”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 5(1), 1-4. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.47
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