The term ‘alternative media’ covers a tremendous range of activities and technologies. Sometimes referred to as community, or participatory media, it is also a somewhat flexible phrase, having a variety of meanings, depending upon the geographical and socio-economic context within which it is employed. There are however perhaps a couple of constants which help pin down a reasonably generic definition. For example, it is possible to claim that alternative media are inherently produced by those on the fringe, socially, culturally or politically. In addition, alternative media are perhaps also usefully defined by taking into account the processes which they employ and the outputs which they achieve as a result.
How to Cite:
Hallett, L., (2017) “Book Reviews: Coyer, Kate; Dowmunt, Tony; and, Fountain, Alan, The Alternative Media Handbook, 2007, London, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-35965-8. Bailey, Olga Guedes; Cammaerts, Bart; and, Carpentier, Nico, Understanding Alternative Media, 2008, Maidenhead”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 5(1), 107-112. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.53
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